

Dementia is one of the most common mental diseases. It increases dramatically with the aging of the Nordic population. Main features are: progressive cognitive impairment and social- and behavioural disturbances interfering with daily living. The clinical diagnosis of dementia is based upon criteria relating to the inadequacy of being in charge of onself. Concsquently, the actual causes of dementia are discoverd far too late in the disease process.


To improve early diagnostics of dementia and the wellbeing of people with progressive cognitive decline. To augment the knowledge about the causes of dementia by improving the validity of the methods revealing these causes. Further, to validate the diagnostic tools paralell with the developpment of new technology in collaboration with the industry. Achieving this, a next step will be to evaluate the robustness of these tools in evaluating new treatment strategies both with and without collaboration with pharmaceutic companies. The network aims to co-supervise and exchange PhD-students joining the validation studies